Welcome to BabySteps Checklist #1. We are so excited that you have made the commitment to get your food storage in order this year! Before we jump in to the food items, we wanted to make sure that you have your family prepared for an emergency, so the first few checklists will be focusing on that.For this checklist we want you to work on getting yourself familiarized with our Emergency Preparedness Plan workbook (found under the Emergency Prep tab on our website). The first two areas of the plan that we will be covering are getting your basic Family Plan in place and backing up your computers because we all know how devastating it can be to lose your important data, photos, etc.
If you are new to our site, view the Food Storage Made Easy Tutorial Video Also take a few minutes to browse around and get familiar with foodstoragemadeeasy.net Print out the Emergency Preparedness Plan (available in either pdf version or customizable excel version) Go through the "Family Plan" section of your workbook with your family Fill out your "Contact Info" sheet and put it into your binder Purchase a 1" 3-ring binder and some divider tabs - This will become your Emergency Binder for important documents (more info coming in list #3) - Place your completed Emergency Preparedness Plan worksheets into the binder Purchase the items you need to back up your computer (discs, usb drives, online backup) We recommend using Mozy Unlimited Backup for only $4.95/Month as shown in our blog post Use coupon code SEPTEMBER for an additional 10% off your subscription! If you received this checklist from a friend and would like to be sent the entire BabySteps Checklist series for free, please visit http://foodstoragemadeeasy.NET/babystep-checklists and sign up today! |