We originally wanted the name Food Storage for Dummies as we feel like we are kind of the dummies and are trying to share the knowledge we gain as we research this process. However, we researched it a bit and decided it wasn’t worth risking a trademark infringement so here we are at foodstoragemadeeasy.net!
Welcome to our food storage blog! We are two young moms trying to navigate through our crazy goal of getting a year’s supply of food storage put together. With the struggling economy we have really started to feel that the time is right to get this project underway. As we started the process we realized there was SO much to learn and we got overwhelmed. So we decided to start this blog to keep track of what we learn, and to throw ideas off of one another as to what we should do next. Join us on our journey as we discover the best ways of achieving our goals on a budget and in a timely fashion. It should be a grand adventure. Feel free to pipe in with any tips and comments. We are just learning and welcome everyone to share their knowledge, ask questions, and/or add their opinions.
Our June goal is getting WATER figured out, and setting up our storage space. More to come soon!
Do you have any specific question about food storage? Or things you would like us to make sure to include on the site? WE are the dummies so we would definitely like your input! Just leave a comment below.

-Jodi Weiss Schroeder