Thanks to our cousin Emily for submitting this recipe to us.
Multi-Grain Flour—grind the following:
1 part barley
1 part corn (popcorn is great!)
1 part rice (I used brown)
3 parts wheat (I used hard white)
Multi-Grain Pancakes
In a medium bowl, combine:
1/2 C multi-grain flour mixture
1/2 C white flour
1 T sugar
2 t baking powder
1/4 t salt
In a small bowl, combine:
1 egg, beaten (can use powdered eggs)
1 C milk (can use powdered milk)
2 T oil
Grind all flour ingredients using a wheat grinder. Combine wet and dry ingredients together and stir, but don’t over-mix. Pour onto a 350 degree griddle. Makes about 8-12 pancakes depending on the size you make them.

Emily’s Comments: I tried this alternate recipe this morning, and it was a HUGE HIT! Usually I’m lucky if Adam and Avery eat just one pancake, and both of them ate TWO! These taste a little bit nuttier than normal pancakes, but the texture is not heavy at all.

-Jodi Weiss Schroeder