I just wanted to share a quick update and some valuable tools with you. I’ve been using the Grocery Smarts website to find great deals on food storage/3 month supply items (this is a Utah specific link and is only available in a few other states – SORRY!). For now I do my normal shop at Walmart and then go find super deals at Albertsons and Smiths each week and do some “extra” shops there with my “food storage budget” money. Last week I got the following items:
5 lbs C&H sugar
3 Stouffers frozen dinners
1 tube colgate toothpaste
2 lbs Land O Lakes butter
1 bottle Krogers syrup
2 cans evaporative milk
The regular prices of these items would have been $27.94 … BUT … using the fresh values sales prices I saved $9.44 and I printed some coupons and clipped old coupons I’ve been saving and saved another $8.85. Including tax, the total I paid was only $10.26! That is WAY cheaper than it would have been even at Walmart with all generic brands.
I am only beginning to skim the surface on how great this system is. Within a few months I hope to have a lot of food stockpiled, do most of my monthly “shopping” from my pantry, and only hit Walmart for things I’ve run out of before I have a chance to restock. View the video below for tips on how to use this great resource.
How to Use GrocerySmarts.com
For more tips on saving money on your groceries and food storage items visit The Obsessive Shopper. She also includes some general couponing tips for people outside of Utah.

-Jodi Weiss Schroeder