Since the next step after getting your emergency preparedness plan accomplished is shelving we wanted to talk about organizing food storage for awhile. We have been doing our research and we know that there are many ways to save space and stay organized with your food storage. Over the next little while, we will be covering shelving ideas, rotation ideas, and more. We wanted to start however, with small spaces storage solutions.
For now- we have a confession to make. Up until a couple years ago we both lived in rather small spaces. The small spaces, along with confusing resources stopped us from ever getting started on building our food storage. So when we are asked the question, “How do I store food in my tiny condo or apartment?”, we must sheepishly answer- “We don’t know – We didn’t do it”.
Anyways, as we have been doing our research we realized that among you, our readers is a wealth of knowledge. Just last week we received the following comment from Penny:
We used a NEW medium outside metal garbage can and filled it with wheat. Then we cut a circle out of plywood bigger than the opening of the can and then used some smaller scraps of wood and screwed them on the inside of the circle to fit the inside of the garbage can, then we just put decorative fabric over the top that reached to the floor and we had an instant side table that held storage. The scrap blocks of wood kept the top from moving around and falling off, and it also looked nice.
This is where the HELP! comes in, let’s all SHARE! Over the next week we are asking you to email us at all your great and marvelous ideas for this topic. In one week we will publish all the ideas in a post. We’ll make it cute and even make a pdf so you can print and share the information with all your friends who live in small spaces. Now don’t cheat and leave a comment, make sure it’s an EMAIL so we can surprise everyone. (Please send emails by Friday).
And the winner from last week’s giveaway is … drum roll please … TONYA. We’ll be emailing you later today to get you your car kit. We’re so happy you have your computer backed up.

-Jodi Weiss Schroeder