Some of you may remember our confession awhile back about how LITTLE we knew about storing food storage in small spaces. Basically we needed our readers help with ideas because we were guilty of having NO food storage when we lived in small apartments. The ideas we got were incredible, and from them we created our Small Spaces Storage Solutions post!
If you know about/have experience with any of the following commonly asked questions, we ask that you write us at INFO@FoodStorageMadeEasy.NET with some suggestions that we can gather and share (emails work way better then comments for this!).
Commonly Asked Questions:
1. How do I store food in humid places? What are things I need to know about etc?
2. What are some things that would be helpful for readers in the UK – eg, different kinds of foods and weights etc?
3. What are some good rotation methods to make sure you are using your oldest food first?
4. What do you do with all your extra #10 cans after you have used the food (we were accused of creating this problem for someone – that’s awesome! )
If you email us with any suggestions to these questions, it would help us a lot if you put in the SUBJECT LINE: The TOPIC you are addressing.
Julie is going to be putting together another little add-on tutorial to the three-month supply spreadsheet. We’ve gotten a lot of questions about how to manipulate the data. IF YOU HAVE A QUESTION of your own, please email it to us soon, so we can add it in the tutorial. We have a SERIOUSLY awesome surprise/idea for 3 month food storage planning coming soon you will NOT want to miss.

-Jodi Weiss Schroeder