We’re excited to announce the winner of the Seven Day Challenge sign up giveaway. The winner is getting this great WonderMill Hand Grinder!

So, here we go…. drumroll – and the winner is: LINDA AMORI! We’ll be emailing you later today to get your information and your Wonder Junior Deluxe sent off!
Just as a reminder the Wondermill has their $20 rebate going on with the Hand Mill until TOMORROW. So unless your name is Linda Amori, make sure to hurry up and get yours before the rebate is gone! Remember we are dealers for the Wondermill and get you the lowest prices, along with free shipping* on both Wondermill Electric and Hand Grinders.
NEXT WEEK: We’ll be finishing up the last Beyond the BabySteps post for our last 2 babysteps, then moving into a couple fun and exciting things for our Seven Day Challenge you wont want to miss. We’re so excited to test out our food storage supplies for 7 days and see where we stand, coming on a surprise day in September!

-Jodi Weiss Schroeder