HALLELUJAH! We are officially done the summer crash course! CONFESSION: We KNOW it got kind of boring and are so excited to be back to normal, posting about our food storage successes and failures and getting officially ready for the Seven Day Challenge starting on a SURPRISE day in September. ARE YOU READY?
As you guys know, we’re hoping to have some awesome prizes for the Challenge. We’ve emailed a bunch of places, but thought it would be good to post this here for anyone interested in “donating”.

We already have close to 1500 participants that are eager to see if they are prepared! Our challenge is listed on the Ready.gov events calendar as an official event for Emergency Preparedness week so we should be getting some more sign-ups from that too! (Just choose your state and we should be listed on September 1st, cool huh?)
As a part of the challenge we want to have offer prizes for participants that are donated by sponsors. Some of the winners will include:
-people who follow the challenge perfectly (and “survive”)
-people who provide feedback of what they could have done differently
-people who share ideas
and lots more…
If you’re in the “industry”, or even NOT in the industry and want to have a chance to have exposure for your product, we’ll take it!
We’re going to be announcing all our prizes on August 31, so if you can get back to us by next Friday August 28, we’d greatly appreciate it. Thank you for your time. Email us at info@foodstoragemadeeasy.net.

-Jodi Weiss Schroeder