Make sure to read DAY 1’s facebook discussions to see what we all learned from living through a flood and evacuation. (You can read it even if you don’t use facebook!)
In a situation where you have no power, a hungry family, and are totally stressed out, wouldn’t it be nice to have some food you can just add hot water to and eat? We’d rather boil water than bake bread 😉 Also, does your family really know what to do in a flood situation? Having what you need is one thing, knowing what to do is another BIG part!
Prize: 30 Day Supply Bucket of Food
Shaunda Burns (we’ll contact you at the end of the challenge)
Company: The Ready Project
Description: Affordable, long lasting gourmet food storage Starting at under $30 per month Shipped to your home monthly Easy to cook, just add water Stores for up to 15 years Compact size fits under beds and in cupboards Meets the minimum daily caloric needs recommended by the American Heart Association. Use referral code 61838 to get 5% off your first order!
Prize: Dr. Kno Preparedness CD-ROM
(19 MORE to come at the end)
Courtney Schloss (We’ll contact you at the end of the challenge)
Company/Website: Dr. Kno
Description: An interactive family preparedness CD-ROM that provides thorough preparedness guidelines and a life organizer software system. Manuals on the CD can be printed, or viewed on-screen for your family to use.
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