For months now Jodi’s mom has hinted that she would like us to help her get her food storage organized, under control, and finished! So for Christmas we decided to give her an “Extreme Makeover” – food storage style. We’re going to be documenting the process for you so you can come along for the journey. So let’s get started:
Based on our initial conversations with Jodi’s mom, we have come up with the following game plan to help her achieve her Food Storage Extreme Makeover:
- Fill out Family Emergency Plan
- Purchase/Compile Disaster Kits and Car Kits
- Increase water storage
- 3 month supply plan
- Purchase 3 month supply foods
- Work on alternative cooking methods for long term storage
We will be updating the Extreme Makeover Index Page with all the posts we do – so make sure you check it out.

-Jodi Weiss Schroeder