I recently took a trip with my family to Disneyland after a lot of planning, saving, and working. We had so much fun. Was it relaxing? Not even close- we were too busy having fun. Big thanks to Jodi for manning the blog and email while I was gone. I have to confess a little something though- I was so busy with the April surprises, and other things that I really didn’t plan our food options very well. I had such good intentions, but the day before we left Jodi and I were teaching food storage classes at an expo, and the day I came home we were doing our powerless cooking class so I was a little distracted!
While we were there I had a lot of time to think about ways I could have saved money on food, and used my food storage to cut back on some of the food costs. It reminded me of a post Shandra over at Deals to Meals did, and I wish I would have taken advantage of beforehand. The post was all about saving money on foods on trips. See it here. I at least brought some freeze dried fruit for my kids to snack on instead of filling them up on sugar and fruit snacks- that’s good for something right?
With a lot of people traveling this weekend for Memorial day I thought this reminder would be fitting. Go take a look at your food storage. Do you have any items you need to rotate? Are you going to be camping? A lot of our readers eat up their 72 hour kits when they go camping. This takes out the hassle of packing food, it helps you learn how living off your 72 hour kits really would be.
Check out this post on travel emergencies for more ideas!
What are some ways you save money on trips – and use your food storage?

-Jodi Weiss Schroeder