We would never say we know what it’s like to be single moms, however sometimes we get a glimpse into what it feels like to be a single parent. Both of us have husbands who work very strange hours. Jodi’s husband is a pilot, and Julie’s husband is a hockey coach. They are both gone a lot of nights and weekends. While they are gone we are left to juggle bedtime, family functions, responsibilities on our blog, and more all by ourselves. It is during those times when our hearts go out to the single parents who face this day in, day out.
We were recently invited to a bloggers luncheon, where we were given to opportunity to participate in a campaign to raise money for scholarships for single parents to the LDS Business College. We met Megan, a single mom whose life was blessed by the generous donations that made up her scholarship to get an education to help her raise her daughter. Her story and strength were inspiring. Make sure you turn up the little volume button.
We would like to invite any of you who are able to help in any way you can by clicking on the give or share button above. Every little bit helps, and getting the word out there is the least we could do. We had fun meeting some of these great women bloggers who are also helping in getting the word out!

We’re among a big group of bloggers helping with this campaign. Check out just a few of how our friends are helping:
Mindy @ Cute Girls Hairstlyes
Jocelyn @ Being LDS
Kathy @ A Well Behaved Mormon Woman
Launi @ Gracious Rain
Denae @ My Real Life was Backordered
Cheryl @ Happy Meets Crazy
Heidi @ Mormon Moms Who Blog
J @ Formerly Phread
Georgia @ Georgia Leigh
Heather @ Raising Memories
Jen @ 11th Heaven’s Homemaking Haven
Krista @ Budget Gourmet Mom
Deseret News Article
LDS Philanthropies

-Jodi Weiss Schroeder