We’ve LOVED our Facebook page, and especially loved getting to know you better there. We often tell people the best part about our Facebook page is how helpful you ALL are to EACH OTHER. Well if you’re on Facebook, you know that things never stay the same on there. A few weeks ago with the new “Timeline” format it has become harder for you to see each other’s posts on our wall. What used to be an easy way to post a question and get answers from each other, now gets hidden in the right hand corner. We don’t LOVE THAT!
Well we’ve come up with a wee bit of a solution. You may have noticed sometimes we’ll post as our own status questions from readers. These are questions we get in our email inbox. When we do this- the responses are great! We must have SMART readers 🙂 Well from now on, if you post a question on Facebook and it doesn’t seem to be getting answered all that quickly, shoot us an email and we’ll post it in our status for you! Our statuses still come through feeds, and are easier to see, so you’ll get way more answers! We monitor our facebook page as often as we can, but to be honest, we’re not as fast as we’d like to be, or as full of ideas as you are.
Some recent questions we have posted are things like:
- What can I send that is shelf stable to my military son?”
- What are some creative things to can in #10 cans?
- What are some food items I can put in some 72 hour kits for the elderly that will be easy to chew
We often think, we could try and give a couple ideas, but why not give 30-40 from all you guys! You are a wealth of information and we love how freely you share ideas.
Even if you don’t have a Facebook account, you can see the discussions going on there on our page www.facebook.com/foodstoragemadeeasy
To submit a question (that you can’t find on our blog) email us at info@foodstoragemadeeasy.net
Please note: If you’ve already “liked” us on Facebook but don’t seem to see us coming through your feeds as often as we used to, you may want to like or comment on things on our page. With some of the changes Facebook has made it seems that we don’t always show up in your feeds if you haven’t interacted with the page recently.

-Jodi Weiss Schroeder