We love September as we celebrate National Preparedness Month with blog readers around the world. We have seen LOTS of ways you can get in on the fun and wanted to share a few of them here. We encourage everyone to jump in to events online, but also to organize or participate in local events, even just with your family and friends. Being prepared is so important for a whole community and this is a great time to start (or continue) that discussion.
Food Storage Made Easy: 7 Day Challenge
This year will be the FOURTH year that we have put on our 7 Day Challenge where we test our readers (and ourselves) on how prepared we all really are. It is always an eye-opening experience and helps us find holes in our preparedness plans. We start the challenge on a surprise day in September (hint it is probably going to be sooner rather than later so GET READY!). Each day we send out a particular emergency situation with tasks and limitations associated with it. We want you to learn, practice, and make a plan to improve. Come and join the fun (and torture!)
Click here to learn more and SIGN UP!
Ready.Gov: National Preparedness Coalition Events
If you are looking for events or discussions with people in your area, Ready.gov has provided a great resource. The National Preparedness Coalition has a searchable list of all the events people have posted for National Preparedness Month. Find something in your area! There is also a search for regional discussions which can be helpful to prepared for particular disasters specific to where you live.
Click here to start searching for events and discussions in your area.
Sun Oven: Be Sun Savvy Giveaway
You probably know that we absolutely LOVE our Sun Ovens and we are definitely planning to use them during this year’s 7 Day Challenge. Sun Oven is hosting a little contest to encourage people to use their Sun Ovens and share pictures and recipes of their usage. You can also enter to win in a variety of other methods if you don’t have a Sun Oven yet. As Sun Oven dealers, WE are celebrating by offering a free dehydrating rack kit with all Sun Ovens purchased through our site before September 21st.
Click here to purchase a Sun Oven with FREE dehydrating rack kit
Click here to learn more about the Sun Savvy Contest
The Survival Mom: Giveaways and Webinars
One of our favorite sites for emergency preparedness is The Survival Mom. Lisa is going all out on celebrating National Preparedness Month. With tons of giveaways all month long you can get some FREE stuff. She is also hosting a series of webinars to help educate her readers on being more prepared. Great stuff over there!
Click here for a schedule of the giveaways and webinars
Emergency Essentials: National Preparedness Month Sales
Some of our favorite products are on sale this month. There is a wide variety of items to check out from water storage boxes, a great canning kit, mozzarella cheese and NEW yogurt bites. There should be something on sale for everyone!
Click here to see all the sale items
American Preppers Network: Disaster Preparedness Plans and Giveaways
We love the folks over at the American Preppers Network. They have taken the government recommendations for prepping and are planning to expand on those throughout National Preparedness Month with daily Prepper Disaster Prepardness Plan posts. At the end of the month they will compile all the posts into a PDF which can serve as a getting started guide. These guys know what they are talking about with prepping, so check it out! The APN is also hosting weekly giveaways on their facebook page. Gotta love free stuff.
Learn more about the daily Preparedness Plan posts here
Learn how to enter their weekly giveaways here
Local Events
If you don’t already have something going on in your community, why not organize something yourself. At Julie’s church they are doing an evening class on meal planning, food storage, and saving money. Check out this flyer that someone in her church made. How clever is that!?!?! Julie was asked to teach the Food Storage part of the class… guess she had to say yes.

-Jodi Weiss Schroeder