In case you missed the announcement a couple weeks ago, we have a radio show now on the Survival Mom Radio Network. Every 2 weeks, we upload a new podcast that you can listen to on your computer, ipad, iphone etc.

This week’s episode featured a topic we get asked about all the time. The topic was “Questions To Ask Yourself When You Are Building a 3 Month Supply”. A 3 month supply of food is typically foods you regularly eat. Generally people don’t consider items like wheat, beans, salt, sugar etc (your staples) as part of the 3 month supply. Listen to the podcast to see why Julie may or may not agree with that!

For a complete run down on what these questions mean, visit our post here.
- Why am I building a 3 month supply of food?
- What kinds of foods do I want to include?
- How will I plan what to buy for my supply?
- How much money can I afford to budget?
- How will I shop for my 3 month supply?
Additional Resources:
BabyStep 3 Page
Why Food Storage
Deals To Meals
3 Month Supply Excel Spreadsheet
3 Month Supply Printable Forms
Other Key Points to Think About:
- Use and rotate these foods in all your daily cooking.
- Constantly replenish the stocks of these foods.
- Don’t forget to include non-food items in this step as well. Get a 3 month supply of NECESSITIES such as diapers, medications, toilet paper, toiletries, etc. For a great list and tracker, see our 3 month plan spreadsheet.
- Benefits include: saving money by buying foods on sale and having foods you normally eat in times of economic or any other type of hardship.

-Jodi Weiss Schroeder