Welcome to the 7 Day Challenge. For 7 days, we are testing our Emergency Preparedness and Food Storage Plans. Each day will bring a NEW mock emergency or situation that will test at least one of the reasons “WHY” we strive to be prepared! REMEMBER: No going to a store, gas station, or spending any money for the entire 7 days (unless we say otherwise)! And please feel free to adapt the scenarios to fit your own family and situation.

There have been severe shortages of milk and egg products worldwide. You can’t get any at the store and your fresh supplies ran out several weeks ago.
Goal: Cook all of your meals without using fresh milk or eggs
Today’s Tasks:
- Cook breakfast without using any dairy products or eggs
- Cook lunch without using any dairy products or eggs
- Cook a fancy Sunday dinner for your family without using any dairy products or eggs
- Research possible substitutions for cow’s milk and egg products. You never know when a shortage or a possible allergy may arise and it’s good to have substitutions available as opposed to just powdered versions of the products
- FILL OUT YOUR MASTER WORKSHEET TODAY – Doing it as you practice each day will help you remember what you want to include.
SHARING TIME: Visit today’s Facebook thread and share a picture of something you are cooking today!.
Today’s Limitations:
- For this day, and ALL days of the challenge: no spending money, no going to stores, and no restaurants.
- Do not use any products containing cow’s milk or eggs today
Advanced Tasks:
- Someone in your family is allergic to milk and eggs so you can’t use powdered milk or powdered eggs in your cooking
- Make a meal plan for 7 days using only what is in your storage using no milk or eggs
We put together a master worksheet for you to fill out each day of the challenge. There is a separate page to list the things you need to buy, do, and learn after each day of the challenge. Include a due date of when you’d like to accomplish the task and check it off when you do it! Fill it out at the end of each day while your memory is fresh.
Check your email first thing in the morning!

-Jodi Weiss Schroeder