Welcome to the 7 Day Challenge. Today is our third day of “PRACTICING” our Emergency Preparedness and Food Storage Plans during this mock emergency. Each day will bring about a new component to the situation that will test at least one of the reasons “WHY” we strive to be prepared! Please feel free to adapt the scenarios to fit your own family and situation. REMEMBER: No going to a store, restaurant, gas station, or spending any money for all 5 days! We’ve got to make it a challenge!
Remember, in order to receive each day’s emergency scenario in your email you need to sign up for the 7 Day Challenge email list.
DAY 3: PRACTICE (Monday, September 24th)
POWER OUTAGE: The enemy has started to attack utility plants now. Your local power company has been hit so you are without power for today and for the imminent future. Remember, with all of the contamination it is still not safe to go outside so you must “cook” in the house … and all of your fridge and freezer food has gone bad.
Daily Tasks and Limitations
Today’s Tasks:
- Update your living will or research how to create one
- Keep your family warm (see list) or cool (see list) as furnace blowers and A/C will not work without electricity
- Practice powerless cooking by cooking all your meals and snacks using no electricity and INDOORS
- Do a fuel inventory. How many meals could you cook with the fuel you have inside? What if you could cook outside? (Use fuel handout to help calculate)
- Before dark, locate flashlights, candles, or other light sources. Assess your battery supply.
- Plan a fun family activity tonight with no electronic devices (board games, ghost stories, shadow puppets, etc. Be creative!)
- Fill out your daily worksheets (see below).
- Share your experiences today over in the facebook group.
Today’s Limitations:
- For this day, and ALL days of the challenge: no spending money, no going to stores or gas stations, and no restaurants.
- You can’t use any perishable foods in your cooking today (pretend the power has been out for a few days)
Advanced Tasks:
- Research indoor powerless cooking options. What are some tools you could invest in to make this task easier?
- No laptops, iPads, PHONES, etc. (even if you have a way to charge them, don’t!) — You can only use them for the purposes of sharing on Facebook for education purposes.
Daily Worksheets
Print out the worksheets below and add items you need to do, to learn, and to buy as you find holes in your preparedness plans throughout the week.

Check back first thing in the morning or subscribe to be notified of the next challenge!
MAKE SURE to visit the group page on Facebook to discuss your progress and share pictures and tips. It’s a great place to learn from other people’s experience and knowledge.
I will also be posting a lot on instagram (@foodstoragemadeeasy) over the next few days. Come join the fun there with hash tag #fsme7daychallenge

-Jodi Weiss Schroeder