Welcome to the 7 Day Challenge. For 7 days, we are testing our Emergency Preparedness and Food Storage Plans. Each day will bring a NEW mock emergency or situation that will test at least one of the reasons “WHY” we strive to be prepared! Please feel free to adapt the scenarios to fit your own family and situation.
In order to receive each day’s emergency scenario in your email please sign up for the 7 Day Challenge email list.
REMEMBER: No going to a store, gas station, or spending any money for the entire 7 days … and on that note, here is DAY 5’s challenge!
DAY 5: Evacuate

THERE ARE MASS RIOTS AND LOOTING GOING ON IN YOUR CITY. It is not safe to stay in your home and it’s too dangerous to drive a car as people are trying to steal them. You will need to evacuate your home on foot and walk to a safe space carrying your 72 hour kits.
Daily Tasks and Limitations
Today’s Tasks:
- You will “plan” an evacuation either today or tomorrow depending on your schedule and your ability to do the tasks each day, your day of worship, etc.
- Once you have evacuated you must walk a minimum of 5 kilometers or 3.1 miles (carrying your packs) to reach a “safe space”. This is just an exercise, you don’t really have to find a safe spot in that distance.
- Camp overnight using only supplies you have in your 72 hour kits (again, you don’t have to be at a campground, feel free to do your walk and come back home to camp in the backyard)
- Eat at least 3 meals out of your 72 hour kits within the next 48 hours, preferably 3 in a row like Lunch, Dinner, Breakfast or something.
- Sleep outside wearing only clothes from your kit or that you evacuated with.
- Share your experiences today over in the facebook group.

Today’s Limitations:
- For this day, and ALL days of the challenge: no spending money, no going to stores or gas stations, and no restaurants.
- No eating food other than what is in your 72 hour kits for the three designated meals
Advanced Tasks:
- Stay away from home for the entire 2 days\
Daily Worksheets
Print out the worksheets below and add items you need to do, to learn, and to buy as you find holes in your preparedness plans throughout the week.

Check back first thing in the morning or subscribe to be notified of the next challenge!

MAKE SURE to visit the group page on Facebook to discuss your progress and share pictures and tips. It’s a great place to learn from other people’s experience and knowledge.

I will also be posting a lot on instagram (@foodstoragemadeeasy) over the next few days. Come join the fun there with hash tag #fsme7daychallenge

-Jodi Weiss Schroeder