Welcome to the 7 Day Challenge. For 7 days, we are testing our Emergency Preparedness and Food Storage Plans. Each day will bring a NEW mock emergency or situation that will test at least one of the reasons “WHY” we strive to be prepared! In order to receive each day’s emergency scenario in your email please sign up for the 7 Day Challenge email list.
REMEMBER: No going to a store, gas station, or spending any money for the entire 7 days! And please feel free to adapt the scenarios to fit your own family and situation.
DAY 2: Food Shortages

NO FRESH FOOD IS AVAILABLE! Hurricanes, wild fires, ice storms, etc. have ravished farms and crops around the world leading to a global food shortage. For over a month you have not been able to buy any fresh produce, meats, or dairy from the grocery store. You must survive today cooking only out of your pantry and long term food storage!
Daily Tasks and Limitations
Today’s Tasks:
- Cook all your meals and snacks using only pantry foods or long term storage items
- One of your family members is having a birthday, make a dessert from scratch tonight!
- Do an inventory of your food storage to find out how long your storage will last
(This inventory calculator incorporates long term basics along with fruits, veggies, and meats) - Create a meal plan for 7 days of breakfasts, lunches, and dinners using your food storage foods
- Share your experiences today over in the facebook group.
(Make it even more impactful by sharing PICTURES and recipes of what you are cooking and/or your meal plans!)

Today’s Limitations:
- For this day, and ALL days of the challenge: no spending money, no going to stores or gas stations, and no restaurants.
- You cannot use any fridge or freezer food (it has already been used up)
- You cannot use fresh produce from your garden (weather affected YOUR garden too)
- You cannot use fresh eggs even if you have chickens (your chickens died ☹️)
Advanced Tasks:
- Times are tough, try to conserve electricity by cooking all of your meals without using power.
- Make all your meals “from scratch”, no convenience foods.
- Research indoor vegetable gardening or hydroponics, plant a few seeds to try it out

I will be posting a lot on instagram (@jodi_foodstoragemadeeasy) over the next few days as I go through the challenges on my own. Come join the fun there and use hash tag #fsme7daychallenge if you are sharing your own adventures as well. Tag me in your stories so I can reshare them!
Daily Worksheets
Print out the worksheets below and add items you need to do, to learn, and to buy as you find holes in your preparedness plans throughout the week. Print multiple sheets as needed.

-Jodi Weiss Schroeder