Welcome to DAY 2 of the 2023 7 Day Challenge. For 7 days, we are testing our Emergency Preparedness and Food Storage Plans. Each day will bring a NEW mock emergency or situation that will test at least one of the reasons “WHY” we strive to be prepared!
In order to receive each day’s emergency scenario in your email please sign up for the 7 Day Challenge email list or subscribe via text by texting 7daychallenge to 717-788-3663.
REMEMBER: To get the most out of the challenge, don’t be too literal about the scenarios. Modify them to fit YOUR family’s situation. Also, try to actually DO each day’s tasks. Don’t try to justify why you wouldn’t “need” to. The point is to PRACTICE our skills!
The winner of the DAY 1 GIVEAWAY is Sherrie Morris who shared some great pics of her dinnertime cooking adventures on our facebook daily thread. Hope you enjoy your new Butane Stove Sherrie!
DAY 2: UH OH, NO H2O (Train Derailment)

A TRAIN HAS BEEN DERAILED NEXT TO YOUR LOCAL WATER SOURCE. Hazardous materials spilled into the water causing it to be contaminated. All of the water coming into your house is affected and not safe to drink or use for washing. It’s not recommended to use it even after boiling or purifying. You CAN actually flush toilets though! Can you survive today with no water?
- You must survive today using only stored water for all your drinking, cooking, and washing needs. If you have a well please revise the scenario to your well water being contaminated 😉
- Shut off the main water line to your house so that the contaminated water doesn’t reach your pipes. (view how-to post if you don’t know how to do this)
- Only drink your stored water today, feel free to add some drink powders if it tastes a bit stale.
- Cook all of your meals without using your tap water.
- You can use your toilets but since your water is shut off you must flush with stored water (try to use old cleaning water to avoid waste)
- Take a shower or bath using stored water (Don’t cheat and skip this one!) Bonus points if you bathe little children too. I’ve had minimal success with solar camp showers in the past. Good luck!
- ADVANCED TASK: You have no clean clothes at this time, do some LAUNDRY today without using your washing machine or dryer.
- Share your experiences in our Facebook Group daily thread

📸 Take a picture or video of you washing clothes with stored water today. 📸
- Post in the Facebook Group daily thread
- Do a public post on Facebook and send me a link to it
- Share on Instagram #fsme7daychallenge
(tag me @jodi_foodstoragemadeeasy) - Do a short video on youtube or tiktok and send it to me
- Text the picture/video to me at 717-788-3663
You must tag me or send me the links so that I can see your entries!
Inventory your resources for surviving without running water. Here are a few questions to ask yourself :
- Water Storage: How much water did you use today? How many days worth of water do you have stored? Can you easily access the stored water? Do you have water stored on each floor of your house? Do you have it in various sizes of containers? What are your options when the water runs out? Do you have containers that can be used to transport water from a distance? (view water container options here)
- Water Filter/Purification: Do you have a water purifier? Do you have a water filter? Do you know when to use which one? How many gallons can you purify? Do you have the ability (and fuel) to boil water for purification? (view post about water purification/filtration here)
- Sanitation: What is your plan for using the bathroom in an emergency? Will you go outside? Go inside but waste water flushing? Do you have hand sanitizer or wipes on hand to reduce water consumption? Do you have an emergency toilet or can you make one out of a bucket? (view tutorial for an emergency chemical toilet here)
- Water Conservation: What items do you have that can help you reduce water use? Do you need to add more paper and plastic goods? How can you clean yourself and your children using less water? (view some water saving tips here)
Print out the worksheets below and add items you need to do, to learn, and to buy as you find holes in your preparedness plans throughout the week. Print multiple sheets as needed. These worksheets will become your road map for improving your preps over the next few months.

I will also be posting a lot on instagram (@jodi_foodstoragemadeeasy) over the next few days as I go through the challenges on my own. Come join the fun there and use hash tag #fsme7daychallenge if you are sharing your own adventures as well.

-Jodi Weiss Schroeder