Welcome to DAY 7 … our FINAL DAY of the 2023 7 Day Challenge. For 7 days, we have been testing our Emergency Preparedness and Food Storage Plans. Each day brought about a NEW mock emergency or situation that tested at least one of the reasons “WHY” we strive to be prepared!
If you were late to the game and didn’t get to participate this year, you can be notified when we are going to be starting again next year by singing up for the 7 Day Challenge email list or subscribe via text by texting 7daychallenge to 717-788-3663.
REMEMBER: To get the most out of the challenge, don’t be too literal about the scenarios. Modify them to fit YOUR family’s situation. Also, try to actually DO each day’s tasks. Don’t try to justify why you wouldn’t “need” to. The point is to PRACTICE our skills!
The winner of the DAY 6 GIVEAWAY is Luanne Lafleur who shared her thorough system for organizing bills in our facebook group. Hope you enjoy your Food Storage Made Easy book!
DAY 7: LET’S CELEBRATE (Lottery Winner)

YOU WON THE LOTTERY, WOO-HOO! Today you will be inventorying your long term food storage so that you can see what you are missing. Then you will use the lottery money to purchase or replenish anything you are short on. Once you have finished your inventory, make a dessert using only pantry items to celebrate both winning the lottery AND finishing the 7 day challenge!!!
- Today you must do an inventory of your entire long term food storage. Determine how many people you are storing for and calculate how much you will need for a year supply … or however long you want to prepare for (use my long term storage calculator or my freeze-dried food calculator to help)
- Inventory non-food items in your storage. This will be all your toiletries, paper products, etc. (there is a sheet on my 3 month calculator that can help with this)
- CELEBRATE winning the lottery and finishing the 7 day challenge by making a “food storage cake” today. That means only using pantry items so no milk, flour, eggs, etc. Can you do it?
- BONUS TASK: Please take the 7 DAY CHALLENGE QUESTIONNAIRE to share your feedback with me on how the challenge went for you this year.
- Share your experiences in our Facebook Group daily thread

📸 Take a picture of your food storage cake today and share on social media. 📸
- Post in the Facebook Group daily thread
- Do a public post on Facebook and send me a link to it
- Share on Instagram #fsme7daychallenge
(tag me @jodi_foodstoragemadeeasy) - Do a short video on youtube or tiktok and send it to me
- Text the picture/video to me at 717-788-3663
You must tag me or send me the links so that I can see your entries!
Inventory your entire storage today. This does NOT just include food! Here are a few questions to ask yourself :
- LONG TERM FOOD STORAGE: Do you have the right ingredients to make actual recipes out of your foods? How long do you want to store food for? How many people are you storing for? Do you have a system for rotation and keeping track of shelf life?
- NON-FOOD ITEMS: Do you know how much is a year supply for your family for items like toilet paper, toothpaste, etc.? Here’s a little track. Write down the date you open a new package of something and see how long it takes before it runs out. If it takes 1 month for the toothpaste to run out, you know you would need to store 12 of them.
- POWERLESS COOKING: It doesn’t do you any good to store food if you don’t have a way to cook it. Evaluate your options for cooking without power. Can you cook inside? Only outside? Do you have enough fuel to cook meals for a year? (view my powerless cooking page for help on this)
Print out the worksheets below and add items you need to do, to learn, and to buy as you find holes in your preparedness plans throughout the week. Print multiple sheets as needed. These worksheets will become your road map for improving your preps over the next few months.

I will also be posting a lot on instagram (@jodi_foodstoragemadeeasy) over the next few days as I go through the challenges on my own. Come join the fun there and use hash tag #fsme7daychallenge if you are sharing your own adventures as well.

-Jodi Weiss Schroeder