So as you know from our All I Want for Christmas post, I’m still dying for a Wonder Mill Wheat Grinder, however, a few weeks ago I borrowed my neighbors mill and ground up A TON of wheat. I really thought the amount I ground up would last me for months and months. Truth be […]
Julie's Progress
For those of you who know my 18 month year old son, you will find this humorous, for the rest of you I beg for your sympathy! So today I woke up way too early with a sick child, and a husband who is out of town. I only got about 4 hours of sleep […]
Emergency Plans and Disaster Kits
As you may have noticed, we took a LONG time to get Baby Step 7 out to you but we have a good reason! I got completely distracted with emergency preparedness. Over the past few weeks I had the chance to relax and do a lot of thinking/pondering about my food storage and emergency plan. […]
Case Lot Sale and Julie’s Update
Julie builds her three month supply using case lot sales.
Using My Grocery List Sale Sheet
Using our handy spreadsheet to do quick price comparisons.
Julie’s 3 Months of “Normal” Foods List
View how Julie is going about making her three month supply plan.