WOW! Can you believe we are finally through all the BabySteps? (Ok confession here … we are not FINISHED our food storage but we have researched the basics of every aspect, and have a plan to complete it all in a few more months!) Step 10 is all about the non-food items which in some cases […]
Julie’s Whole Wheat Recipes and Update
So as you know from our All I Want for Christmas post, I’m still dying for a Wonder Mill Wheat Grinder, however, a few weeks ago I borrowed my neighbors mill and ground up A TON of wheat. I really thought the amount I ground up would last me for months and months. Truth be […]
Added “BabyStep 9: Comfort Foods” to Main Topics
We added another BabyStep! We are almost finished with the steps YIPPEE! Check out Step 9: Comfort Foods to learn some foods that are not necessary for survival but could sure make life more enjoyable if you had them on hand in an emergency.
Holiday Baking + Food Storage
This time of year is an EXCELLENT time to stock up on your items in Step 7: Baking Ingredients. Mary Hunt, best-selling finance author, sends out daily finance tips in her Everyday Cheapskate newsletter which we LOVE. We encourage you to sign up for her newsletter and also to stock up on these items for […]
Homemade Applesauce Recipe & Canning
My wonderful cousin Kaila got about 500 pounds of apples off the tree at her new house and was kind enough to give some to me. Since the apples were free and readily available I decided to attempt to make some applesauce. It was messy but a really fun family affair! Homemade Applesauce Recipe and […]
Added “BabyStep 8: Fruits and Vegetables” to Main Topics
We added another BabyStep! Check out Step 8: Fruits and Vegetables to learn about adding produce into your food storage and how to preserve it. This is one of our favorite steps as it incorporates some of the “lost arts” such as gardening and canning. Sneak preview: Watch for a post later this week showing […]