Participating in our Seven Day Challenge taught us the benefit of having a portion of our food storage be in freeze-dried, just-add-water meals for emergencies.
Site Highlights
Long Term Food Storage Part 2: BUYING FOOD
Want to find out all of our tricks for where to buy your long term food storage for the cheapest prices? Read today’s post – it’s long but worth it!
Long Term Food Storage Part 1: Assessing and Making a Plan
If you are looking to get a chunk of your food storage purchased all at once, the first step is to assess what you need and what you already have.
Tax Return Week: If I Had A Million Dollars
What are the most important things you should buy if you get some “bonus” money in your budget? Find out all week long as we cover the top priorities.
My Grandma Shirley’s Food Storage is AWESOME!
Tons of pictures showing all of my Grandma’s emergency preparations and food storage. She is such an inspiration to us!
New Years Resolution MOTIVATION!
Use this little giveaway to help kick-start your food storage goals this year. Plus see everyone else’s goals to give you some great ideas!