Description: We’re ending off Fuel The Fire February with a quick overview of some stoves you may be able to use with the different fuels we have talked about. While this is only scratching the surface on cooking stoves, we thought you may be interested in a few options. Make Your Own #10 Can Stove: […]
Sun Oven Overview
You can’t forget the beauty of the SUN to fuel your cooking needs. It is a FREE and unlimited resource, as long as you have a sunny day!
Fuel Disks Overview
Fuel Disks can be used in a variety of small stoves and are a very efficient fuel. They are easy to store and fairly inexpensive.
InstaFire Overview
Learn more about the InstaFire fuel starter / emergency fuel. It is fantastic to use in harsh weather conditions yet safe to store inside your home.
ReadyFuel Overview
Learn about the ReadyFuel gel from The Ready Project. This fuel is able to be used and stored indoors, and won’t melt or freeze.
“FUEL THE FIRE” February: Which Fuel Do I Use?
Find out about all the different fuels you can use to “Fuel Your Fires” this month 🙂
New Products from Lindon Farms
We have been gradually adding a few new products to our Food Storage Made Easy Store over the last few weeks and we wanted to give you a brief summary of the ones in the Lindon Farms section. The meat buckets are on sale through February 15th so if you are interested in those, now […]
Fast and Easy Chicken Quinoa Soup
Julie promised to share her chicken quinoa soup recipe since our Facebook fans voted on that one to be up next on the blog!
SUN OVENS: Winter Cooking, February Special and GIVEAWAY WINNER
Find out who won our big Sun Oven giveaway, see how Jodi used her Sun Oven in the SNOW, and learn about our February accessories special!
Win a FREE Sun Oven by Sharing Your 2013 Food Storage Goals
Tired of cloudy weather? Dreaming of cooking in a Sun Oven? Enter to win one by sharing your food storage goals with us!