There are SOOO many amazing gardening resources to pin. We have started to collect some of them on our board but there is much more to come. Follow us as we continue to expand this board.
We Heart Pinterest Day 4: Canning
Today’s feature is our CANNING Board. We are so excited by all the great stuff there is to share about canning and other self reliance topics. We can all learn so much!
We Heart Pinterest Day 3: Books We Love
This Pinterest Board is full of books we love and like to keep on hand in case of emergency. Take a look and decide which ones you’d like to add to YOUR book collection.
We Heart Pinterest Day 2: Powerless Cooking
The best of “Powerless Cooking” on Pinterest. Don’t forget to follow us as we will be constantly updating these boards with more great ideas!
We Heart Pinterest Day 1: Food Storage Shelves and Pantries
Since we LOVE Food Storage, and LOVE Pinterest, each day from now until February 14th, we’ll be showing you some of our favorite Pinterest boards and neat things we have found and have pinned there. Come join the fun!
Food Storage and Kids
A little FUN for your kids with Food Storage and eprep. Check out these great resources, coloring pages, crosswords, activities, videos and more!
Indoor Powerless Cooking – Butane Stoves
Jodi videos her first experiment with indoor powerless cooking, while also trying out a “just add water” meal. It was a success!
Food Storage is Very (P)interesting!
Are you on Pinterest yet? Come and check out the FUN we have planned with our “I HEART PINTEREST FEBRUARY”. If you aren’t on it yet, read this post to find out what all the fuss is about. You won’t regret it!
Shelf Stable Poppyseed Chicken Recipe
A family favorite poppyseed chicken recipe turned shelf stable and still delicious!
Water Storage Containers Pros and Cons
Wondering which water storage containers would work best for your personal situation? Check out our overview of all the different options available!