After spending the last ten years learning to cook with my food storage I have come to realize that the best method for me is to take foods that my family regularly eats and create a “food storage” version of it. After learning the basics of replacing store-bought baked goods with items cooked from scratch, the next step was to create delicious, normal, dinner meals for my family. I started using Thrive Life freeze-dried foods about seven years ago and it has changed my meal-times drastically.
At first I was planning to just try things out in my recipes and then store them to use “just in case”. So I made a chili and used all Thrive (ground beef, tomatoes, instant beans, etc.). When I realized I made the meal in a fraction of the time because everything was pre-cooked and pre-chopped my whole thought process shifted. I started finding every excuse to use Thrive to save time in the kitchen, and with meals being easier I was eating out less, eating healthier, and throwing away way less food that had gone bad. All of a sudden my food storage had just become my FOOD and I was saving money on groceries and rotating through my storage with ease.
My kids will never know if we are in times of trouble because I will cook with my food storage the exact same foods I cook right now. And their favorite snacks are freeze-dried fruits and yogurt bites. That’s such an easy mom-win right there!
I have tried so many brands of food and decided that because we are eating this food every day, I want the best for myself and my family. Thrive is the highest quality, best tasting food storage on the market and it’s what I choose for my family’s food storage AND every day usage.
To learn more about Thrive and get started with a discount and a crash course in cooking with freeze-dried foods join our list today! (You’ll also get these 3 FREE INSTANT BONUSES)