In case you haven’t heard, the WonderMill is doing a rebate on both their Electric and Manual Mills until November 25th! Remember as dealers we offer the lowest prices available and free shipping (for all states except Hawaii and Alaska). So take advantage of this additional offer by CLICKING HERE!
Now as if that isn’t GREAT ENOUGH, WonderMill has offered to do ANOTHER FREE Giveaway of an Electric Mill for Food Storage Made Easy Readers. The winner will be announced November 20th, so that everyone else still has time to buy theirs and get the rebate before Nov 25th.
To enter, simply add our NEW button to your blog to help us spread the word about Food Storage. You don’t even have to write a post about us – well unless you want to…
Email us at with your blog address so we can see the button, and we’ll put you in the mix to be a lucky winner. If your blog is private, send us the link and we’ll just trust you. If you don’t have a blog email us and we’ll give you another way to enter. Entries are due November 19!

To add the button just add an html widget to your layout and paste this html code inside of it. Make sure you give the widget a title…
Since you’ll be spreading the word about Food Storage, we wanted to provide you with 2 great resources we’re glad we have put together over the past few weeks. These resources will help people understand the importance and benefits of Food Storage.
The first resource is our recently added 5 part series on “Why People Build a Food Storage”. So many people have stumbled upon our site wondering what this is all about. So feel free to pass along this link to people who are new to Food Storage.
The second resources is our “7 Day Challenge Report” pdf that we recently published with all our, and our readers findings on living 7 days of emergencies. We learned so much from each other and this pdf has incredible tips and findings anyone can benefit from.
Good Luck Everyone! Remember if you don’t win you’ll still have time to take advantage of the $30 rebate. It’s great timing with the Holidays around the corner to start asking for Christmas presents early…

-Jodi Weiss Schroeder