Once you are ready to make the Food Storage Plunge, it really feels great to know you have a well organized PLACE to put all that food. We recommend starting with 1 to 2 shelves and then moving on from there. You don’t need an entire room custom built to get going! Check out these ideas:
Options that are Free or Under $1
Small Spaces Solutions Handout
Do you know someone who complains about starting a Food Storage due to lack of space. Well help them out by giving them this AMAZING handout. Compiled from reader suggestions, is a list of amazing ideas on where to store food in small spaces. Print out the handout and put it in sheet protects or roll it up and tie a ribbon around it. Don’t forget to attach the Day 2 tag!
An Option that is $5-$30
Cardboard Shelf Organizers
Have you seen those great little rotating shelf racks that you put your food in and the oldest rolls to the front. Check out this rotating rack Jodi’s husband made out of cardboard. Make one for only the cost of cardboard and glue! For an extra bonus, include some canned goods with the shelf. Attach the Day 2 tag and you’re all set. (If you are not handy or are short on time these CanOrganizers are also available at a great low price.
Plastic Cansolidators
If you want to give something a little sturdier, the Cansolidators from Thrive Life are another inexpensive give option. One unit is enough to help someone catch the bug on rotation and organization when they see how nice it looks full in their pantry. Don’t forget to attach the Day 2 tag.
A More Expensive Option
Large Shelves
Try a nice heavy duty shelf or 2 to really help someone get started. You can find these at hardware stores, walmart, or even online. You can choose which shelf would work best by thinking about how much space the person may or may not have.
Food Rotation System
If you are giving to someone REALLY special, you could make their Christmas by getting them a fancy Thrive Life Food Rotation System. These are incredible for rotation, come in a huge variety of shapes and sizes to fit any space and budget, and can fit either a variety of can sizes or all #10 cans.
BONUS: You can also include these cute labels as a bonus! And don’t forget your Day 2 tag.

-Jodi Weiss Schroeder