Being prepared for our pets is something that we haven’t covered much on the blog, but it is VERY important as many of us feel like pets are part of the family and/or they can also provide needed food in emergencies (i.e. eggs, milk, meat, etc.) We have received a number of helpful tips and links from our readers and we have compiled them here so you can start thinking about and planning for your pets.

Disaster Kit Ideas For Cats/Dogs
-1 gallon of water
-1 plastic gallon jug filled with dry food
-1 12 pack box of wet food packets
-1 small bag of treats
-Small litterbox (for cats)
-Litter scoop (for cats) or pooper scooper shovel (for dogs)
-Plastic gallon jug filled with kitty litter (for cats)
-Small plastic trash bags for scooped waste disposal
-Mini pet first aid kit
-Vaccination/vet records
-Color photo of cat/dog
-Extra collar w/contact info
-Leash and harness
-Carrying container (optional)
Free Handouts
Preparing Your Pets for Emergencies Makes Sense. Get Ready Now.
2-sided handout
From American Veterany Medical Association
Saving the Whole Family – Disaster Preparation
(28 page brochure, includes info on regular house pets, livestock, and other non-traditional pets)
Helpful Links
American Humane Society – Disaster Preparedness for Pets – Prepare Your Pets for Disasters
Reader Submission – Peanut Butter Dog Treats
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-Jodi Weiss Schroeder