Welcome to the 7 Day Challenge. For 7 days, we are testing our Emergency Preparedness and Food Storage Plans. Each day will bring a NEW mock emergency, or situation that will test at least one of the reasons “WHY” we strive to be prepared! REMEMBER: No going to a store, or spending any money for the entire 7 days! And please feel free to adapt the scenarios to fit your own family and situation.
A horrible hurricane (or earthquake, or other disaster) is about to hit your area. You have to evacuate within minutes and eat out of your 72 hour kits today. While you were gone your house was destroyed. Lots to think about today.
Goal: Test your family’s evacuation plan and 72 hour kit foods
Today’s Tasks:
- Evacuate your house within 15 minutes of getting today’s email. You do not know if your house will be destroyed while you are gone so plan accordingly. Stay away until after lunchtime
- Eat/drink ONLY out of your 72 hour kits until you return home
- While you are out, make a list of potential reasons you may be forced to evacuate. For each scenario, write down where you would go, what type of stuff you would need in your kits, how long you’d be gone, etc. Use this list to re-evaluate what you may or may not include in your kits.
- Make a list of all of your valuables to submit to your insurance company since your house was destroyed while you were gone (this is more valuable to have BEFORE you actually lose everything)
- Using the daily report card, make a list of things you could do/buy to minimize your losses in a complete house loss (i.e. Fireproof/waterproof safe, computer backup options, safety deposit box for valuables, etc.)
- SHARING TIME: Post a picture or description of one of your 72 hour kit meals on our facebook page or in the blog comments
Today’s Limitations:
- For this day, and ALL days of the challenge: no spending money, no going to stores, and no restaurants
- You can’t eat or drink anything besides what is in your 72 hour kits until dinnertime
- You must stay away from home until after lunch
Advanced Tasks:
- Eat out of your 72 hour kits for dinner too
- Evacuate overnight using only supplies from your disaster kit
- Contact your insurance company and find out details about what would be covered in a total loss situation like this
Make sure your fill out today’s Report Card to see how well you did, to keep track of areas you can improve, to remember things you need to do, and things you need to buy. Use the data to make a game plan to take you to the next level of preparedness, whatever that may be.

-Jodi Weiss Schroeder