Saturday, September 24
Welcome to the 7 Day Challenge. For 3 days, we are “PRACTICING” our Emergency Preparedness and Food Storage Plans. Each day will bring a NEW mock emergency or situation that will test at least one of the reasons “WHY” we strive to be prepared! REMEMBER: No going to a store, gas station, or spending any money for the next 3 days! Please feel free to adapt the scenarios to fit your own family and situation.

Economic meltdown! The country is in turmoil, the trucking industry has shut down, utilities are disrupted (electricity is down but plumbing is still working for now), gasoline is no longer available, your neighbors need help. Today we must use our long term food storage and really focus on how to live in an extended emergency situation.
Goal: PRACTICE a long term emergency situation
Today’s Tasks:
- Make a loaf of bread from start to finish without electricity (this video shows how we did it in a previous year).
- Prepare all your meals without using electricity today.
- SOS. A friend that lives a mile away got stranded and needs some supplies. Have your family carry your 72 hour kits to them since you are well enough stocked at home and can donate them. (Remember gasoline is not available so you must go on foot. We know this is far fetched— but we usually have 7 days of scenarios and do an evacuation day so we had to slot it in somewhere- don’t take it too literally. The point is… Are your 72 hour kits complete and can you transport them?)
- Update your long term food storage calculator with your current inventory levels.
- You must eat foods ONLY found on your long term food storage calculator today (all your regular fridge, freezer, and pantry foods have run out). Freeze-dried items as found on our Thrive food storage calculator are ok.
SHARING TIME: Visit the Facebook Event Page and share a picture of your bread-making adventures. Let’s discuss how prepared you feel if you were to have to face this type of emergency.
>>>We’re also sharing on instagram! @foodstoragemadeeasy #fsme7daychallenge
Today’s Limitations:
- For this day, and ALL days of the challenge: no spending money, no going to stores, and no restaurants.
- Do not use your car today.
- Do not eat any foods that are not on your long term food storage calculator (you CAN use the long shelf life freeze-dried foods we recommend on our Thrive food storage calculator if you wish)
Advanced Tasks:
- Make a one week meal plan based off of your long term food storage foods.
- Cook your meals only indoors as there is some serious weather problems outside.
- Calculate how many meals can you cook based on the fuel that you currently have. Use our fuels handout for a guideline on calculating.
- Discuss with your family what you would need to do and what you would bring should the time come when you would need to evacuate your home for good.

-Jodi Weiss Schroeder