Welcome to week one of our Summer Inventory Challenge. If you haven’t already signed up to participate you can learn more and sign up at this link.
This week we are focusing on our Emergency Preparedness Plans and doing an inventory of all our supplies. Remember each challenge will walk you through these three questions:
- What do you want to have?
- What do you already have?
- What do you still need to get?
Introduction Video
What Do You Want to Have?
In order to determine what you WANT to have you will need to think about your personal family situation. As I mentioned in the week 1 video above my prepping plans have changed drastically multiple times over the past few years. Here are some basics that you SHOULD have and you can customize them for your own family’s needs.
Download the Emergency Preparedness Plan Handout for a full overview.
- Family Plan / Evacuation List
- Disaster Kit including food and water
- Emergency Binder
- Optional: Car Kit – We will be looking at this later
Make a list of everything you want to include in your kits as well as the items you need to collect for your emergency binder. Remember, this will be worked on over time so don’t worry if it feels overwhelming right now.
Helpful Resources:
How to Create an Emergency Binder
72 Hour Milk Jug Kit + Bonus Outtakes Video
72 Hour Kit Food Options
What Do You Already Have?
This is the fun part of the process. Whether you already have kits put together or you are starting from scratch it doesn’t matter. Just make a big list of all that you already have in your home or in your current kits. I started on this a bit tonight (which is partly why this email is so slow to go out!) and completely emptied SEVEN backpacks in my front hall in order to start my inventory process. Oh boy!

What Do You Still Need to Get?
Cross reference your list of what you want with what you already have and make a shopping list of supplies needed. For my project I am adding more kits since my family has grown … and I am going to make each pack self-sufficient with food, water, shelter, heat, tools, first aid, hygiene/sanitation, communication, etc. I have a lot of supplies but the only thing I have NINE of is emergency whistles and emergency blankets. Needless to say I have a lot of work to do! It’s going to be a fun week!
Follow me on InstaGram (@Jodi_foodstoragemadeeasy) if you want to see more details about the items in my packs and my progress during the week.
Week 1 Giveaway

Prepare My Life Planner
The Prepare My Life Planner is an organized emergency preparedness plan. Not only does it contain a step-by-step plan to help prepare your home and family for an emergency, it is also designed to store and organize your important documents.
Earn entries by participating in the challenge in the following ways:
– Post about your progress in the Facebook Group (share your want list or pics of your process)
– Comment on InstaGram on any of the posts for this week
– Email me photos of your project for me to share (I will keep them anonymous) (info @ foodstoragemadeeasy.net)
Winner will be announced in next week’s email!

-Jodi Weiss Schroeder