One of the questions I get asked most often is where the best place is to buy bulk food storage. Most of you know that I am a big advocate for buying Thrive Life freeze-dried foods. They are great for stocking up on fruits, veggies, meats, and cheese … but they don’t sell any of the “basics” that are a major component of any traditional emergency food storage plan. So I have been working with Walton Feed (also known as Rainy Day Foods) to help you guys have access to some of these items at a discount. Walton Feed is one of the most well-known providers of beans, grains, honey, and other preparedness and food supplies so I’m excited to introduce this bulk order offer to you!

One of the best ways to purchase anything is to use the power of a group. Since we are going to be ordering large quantities (even if they are not going to the same location) we are getting bulk prices and shipping discounts. The only requirement is that each order must be a minimum of 500 pounds so that they can ship via freight which saves us all a TON of money.
If you need to stock up on a lot of items you are welcome to do an order on your own (as long as it meets the 500 pound minimum). But if you don’t need that much on your own simply grab a friend or two, some family members, or share with your church group or neighborhood page and combine your orders! I have a simple spreadsheet I’ve developed that can be used to collect your orders and be sent to me by one main group leader.
Walton Feed has a HUGE product line but I have narrowed it down to some of the most requested items from my survey on facebook as well as including most of the basics from my food storage calculator. There are also a few of the April specials from Thrive Life in case you need any freeze-dried items at bulk prices. And I have listed some of the tools from the Food Storage Made Easy store in case you are needing any wheat grinders, water storage containers, etc.
Orders must be received by April 16th and payments received by April 23rd. Prices from Walton Feed are going up May 1st so I want to have plenty of time to get everything ordered before that!
Click here to download as an excel spreadsheet (fill out and email back to me)
Click here to open as a google sheet (make a copy and fill it out, then email me the link to it)
If you are organizing a group order, please make sure to read the instructions carefully about how to go about collecting orders and payments. Feel free to message me if you need additional help.

-Jodi Weiss Schroeder