Welcome to DAY 18 of our 15 Minute Prepping Projects series. Today’s project is to do a little bit of online shopping! We are going to buy some prepping / food storage books to add to our collection.
Every day for the month of September we will celebrate National Preparedness Month by undertaking a small task to help us get more prepared. Do as few or as many days as you want. Jump in at any time. Do them out of order, or more than one in a day. And feel free to share what you are doing!
Click here and scroll to the bottom of the post to view all the past days’ projects.

I LOVE all of the information that you can find about prepping and food storage and recipes and soooo much of everything online. But in an emergency situation you might not always have access to the internet, or your computer so I also have a little bit of an obsession with buying physical books. I love seeing my collection grow and I try to write reviews on the books that I like. Is that something you would like to see more of in the future? Let me know!
So your project today is to research some books online and purchase ones that you think will be valuable to add to your collection. I like to have a combination of instructional manuals, recipe books, and even some fiction that is prepping related. You can learn a lot from reading about people actually living through emergency situations, even if they are just stories.
Here are a few of my favorites that you can use as a starting point:
- Food Storage Made Easy (this is my book that is a manual for putting together your food storage, you can get a digital copy to print, or for just $5 more I’ll send you a print version)
- Meals in Minutes (this is my recipe book that contains loads of recipes for freeze-dried foods. They are based on Thrive but you can use any brand or even home-freeze-dried or fresh foods for the recipes)
- Survival Mom: How to Prepare Your Family for Everyday Disasters and Worst-Case Scenarios
- Country Beans: New ideas for “User Friendly Beans” in a hurry.
- Yes, You Can! And Freeze and Dry It, Too: New approach on food preservation that is more entertaining than the traditional Ball Canning Guides
- The Dehydrator Bible: Includes over 400 Recipes
- Cooking with Sunshine: How to cook with a solar oven
- The Prepper’s Survival Bible: Life-Saving Strategies, Disaster Ready Home, Stockpiling, Pantry, Food & Water Preparedness, Bushcraft & Off-Grid Living
- One Second After: A fictional story about how important being prepared really is
Share Your Results
I would LOVE to put together a master list of favorite books so make sure you SHARE some of your go-tos that are part of your collection as well as what new ones you may be adding today. Here are some ways you can share:
Instagram: Use #15minuteprep and tag @jodi_foodstoragemadeeasy on any post or story you do featuring your project. You can follow the hashtag to see everyone’s projects and if you tag me I will repost in my stories throughout the day (if your account is public).
Facebook: Comment on the PINNED posts in my Facebook Group (If you are not a member yet I will try to get you added within 24 hours so you can play along). The most recent day should show up at the top and you can scroll to the right to see past days. I will try to share some of these to Facebook stories as well (no names will be used, don’t worry!)
Text me: If you are not already signed up to get the daily challenges via text just text 15minuteprep to 717-788-3663. You can always reply to the daily text with your “report” so I can check in on you.

-Jodi Weiss Schroeder