Welcome to DAY 4 of the 2023 7 Day Challenge. For 7 days, we are testing our Emergency Preparedness and Food Storage Plans. Each day will bring a NEW mock emergency or situation that will test at least one of the reasons “WHY” we strive to be prepared!
In order to receive each day’s emergency scenario in your email please sign up for the 7 Day Challenge email list or subscribe via text by texting 7daychallenge to 717-788-3663.
REMEMBER: To get the most out of the challenge, don’t be too literal about the scenarios. Modify them to fit YOUR family’s situation. Also, try to actually DO each day’s tasks. Don’t try to justify why you wouldn’t “need” to. The point is to PRACTICE our skills!
The winner of the DAY 3 GIVEAWAY is Lucy Johnson who sent me some pics via text of the meals-in-a-jar she put together. Hope you enjoy your Meals-in-a-Jar Made Easy book Lucy!
DAY 4: BUG OUT/OR IN (Time to Rotate)
IT’S TIME TO ROTATE YOUR 72 HOUR KIT FOODS! While this isn’t necessarily an EMERGENCY it’s definitely something that comes up every year or so. Today you need to rotate through some of your 72 hour kit foods and make sure you have the ability to cook them. This is a good chance to make sure that small children (and picky grown-ups) will actually EAT the foods you are storing.
- Today you will ONLY be eating and drinking items from your 72 hour kits.
- You must cook your meals using only the tools you have in your kits.
- Inventory the non-food items in your disaster kit. Look for any expired medications and swap them out. Check sizing of clothing for children and swap for larger ones if necessary. Adjust any age-specific items as necessary (diapers, etc.)
- Review your evacuation list and make sure that your 72 hour kits are at the top fo the list of things to grab and go in an emergency.
- ADVANCED TASK: For an extra challenge, pretend you had to evacuate and actually spend the day away from home AND eat and entertain yourselves using only items in your disaster kits.
- Share your experiences in our Facebook Group daily thread
📸 Take a picture of some of the foods you are eating today and share on social media. 📸
- Post in the Facebook Group daily thread
- Do a public post on Facebook and send me a link to it
- Share on Instagram #fsme7daychallenge
(tag me @jodi_foodstoragemadeeasy) - Do a short video on youtube or tiktok and send it to me
- Text the picture/video to me at 717-788-3663
You must tag me or send me the links so that I can see your entries!
Inventory your resources in your disaster kits. Here are a few questions to ask yourself :
- 72 Hour Kit Food: How many calories per day do your kits contain? Is that enough to fuel you if you are expending a lot of energy? What is the shelf life of the foods in your kit? How will you cook the items? Will your kids eat the items you have in your kits? Do you have water stored? Do you have a way to purify more water? (view posts on creating 72 hour kits here and here, check out the new Thrive emergency food bucket here)
- Disaster Kits: Are any first aid supplies in your kit expired? Do you have clothes that need to be rotated out? What are your light sources? Heat sources? What do you have for hygiene supplies? Do you need to restock any of it? (view Disaster Kit page for more help on this topic)
Print out the worksheets below and add items you need to do, to learn, and to buy as you find holes in your preparedness plans throughout the week. Print multiple sheets as needed. These worksheets will become your road map for improving your preps over the next few months.
I will also be posting a lot on instagram (@jodi_foodstoragemadeeasy) over the next few days as I go through the challenges on my own. Come join the fun there and use hash tag #fsme7daychallenge if you are sharing your own adventures as well.
-Jodi Weiss Schroeder