Before building up your Food Storage, it’s important to develop your own Family Emergency Preparedness Plan.
Key Points
- Use our Emergency Preparedness Plan as a guide to develop your own plan
- Take into consideration family members with special needs and/or pets
- Customize your plan to fit the preferences of you and your family
- Take care of the basics first, don’t get overwhelmed with more advanced topics
- In addtion to a preparedness plan, backup your computers and other electronic media
- Make sure you have proper insurance, wills, and other legal documents in place
- Start thinking about alternate fuel/cooking sources, sanitation, etc.
Emergency Preparedness Plan
We compiled information from a lot of different resources and created a Family Emergency Preparedness Plan for you to download. This document will guide you through developing your own Emergency Preparedness Plan.
Emergency Preparedness Plan Components
Family Plan: Includes a list of topics to discuss with your family, emergency protocol to follow, contact info, meeting locations and education. An emergency is no time to figure out what you should be doing. Make it a habit of reminding young children of your plans and protocols.
72 Hour Kit & Emergency Binder: Includes a list of items for 72 hour kits. We’ve also included a list of important documents for you to gather to create your Emergency Binder in case you you have to “rebuild” your life. These items may be for you to use at home, or for you to take with you in case of an evacuation type scenario.
Evacuation List & Car Kit: Includes measures to take when evacuating your home including a list of important things to grab and instructions to build a car kit. You never know when you may be stranded on the road, so make sure to keep your car prepared for emergencies.