It’s important to consider our pets in our preparedness plans. With this great shelf stable recipe you can always have dog treats no matter what the situation.
72 Hour Kits Revisited: Part 2 of 2
Today we talk about the FOOD portion of our 72 hour kits and introduce a handy worksheet to help you get started.
72 Hour Kits Revisited: Part 1 of 2
72 hour kits are an important part of emergency preparedness. Today we’re looking at the non-food part of the kits and sharing ideas that our readers submitted.
Shelf Stable Recipes: Mac and Cheese
Check out Jodi’s St. Patrick’s Day Mac and Cheese, recipe submitted by one of our great readers for our Shelf Stable Saturday project.
Spring Gardening Chores
See what Jodi is up to in her garden this week. Lots of helpful links and tips throughout this post!
72 HOUR KIT IDEAS – CALL FOR HELP! (and a giveaway)
Share your 72 hour kit contents list and enter to win a 24-pack of Insta-Fire.
Shelf Stable Recipes: Baked Oatmeal
If you are worried about eating boring oatmeal every day in an emergency situation, try out this delicious Baked Oatmeal recipe using all shelf stable foods.
#10 Cans and 5 Gallon Buckets: How Much Can They Hold?
Ever wondered how much food can fit in a #10 can or 5 gallon bucket? Print out this handy chart to help you as you purchase your foods in bulk.
Let’s Talk About Sprouted Bread
Find out about Julie’s adventure learning about making sprouted wheat bread.
Shelf Stable Recipes: Chili With Chocolate
Don’t be afraid of the unlikely combination of ingredients. This chili is so flavorful you don’t need any additional toppings.