After posting about our FAVORITE bread recipe, we got a ton of questions. This post will help provide clarity on the things asked most often.
Search Results for: gluten free
Self Reliance Expo – Overview
Find out what we LOVED seeing at the Self Reliance Expo and get a sneak preview at all the cool things we will be covering over the next few months.
Book Review: Country Beans
Only two things have changed our food storage lives forever, one is the WonderMill, and the other is this book. Check out why in today’s post.
Vote in our poll: What do you want to learn?
Find out what people are interested in learning more about, see what we have already covered on the blog, and vote for what you want to see covered in the future!
What to do with Extra #10 Food Storage Cans
We recently asked our facebook readers what they are doing with those extra #10 cans lying around. Well we had some great ideas and wanted to share them with you. You guys are so awesome and we appreciate you sharing your experience and creativity! Decorate them with printed paper, ribbon, and anything else to make […]
Whole Wheat Bread – From Start to Finish
Types of wheat Spring or winter: Winter red wheat tends to hava slightly higher protein and is a bit harder than content than spring. Winter red is better for baking bread. There is not a significant difference in hard or soft white wheat. Hard or soft: Hard wheat varieties have higher gluten (protein) and are […]