This is the fifth topic for our Group Book Discussion of the novel One Second After. To return to the main discussion page click here.
In the story, heating and cooling did not appear to be too much of a concern for the characters as they lived in a moderate temperature area. However, it is mentioned that in other areas people were suffering severely from heat due to living in areas and homes not meant for no central air conditioner. The story skipped over the winter months but did mention that many more townspeople died during those months.
- What times of year and temperatures would be a concern for you?
- What modifications could you make to your home to improve heating/cooling?
- What would you use to provide enough warmth to last through a cold winter?
- If planning to use a fireplace or wood burning stove, what sources nearby do you have for more wood? Do you have the proper tools to chop it?
- If you live in an extremely hot area, how will you protect your family from heat stroke, discomfort, etc.?
- What sort of long term solutions could be developed?
- Do you have medication/treatments on hand for heat stroke or hypothermia?
- How could you utilize your cooking methods to help minimize heat or utilize the heat for warmth?
In our comments section below, ask questions, discuss your thoughts on this topic, and these questions. We will be covering a lot of the other issues over the next three days, so to keep it organized please stick with this topic.
We encourage everyone who participates to do so in a very respectful manner. As we read the novel, we soon became very aware that the discussions around this book could become very political, and personal. Such topics have a tendency to bring out strong opinions. Please share your opinions in a kind, and mature way. We reserve the right to, and will delete any comments that may be considered offensive or encourage illegal or unethical activities.
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-Jodi Weiss Schroeder