The goal of Food Storage Made Easy is to help break down the process of building a food storage into BabySteps to take the overwhelm out and make it easy and maybe even a little bit fun! We want to help busy families learn how to prepare for life’s emergencies big and small.


Back in 2008 I started this blog with my sister-in-law Julie to document our journey as we tried to navigate the difficult world of food storage and preparedness. We realized the vast amount of information out there was so CONFUSING and overwhelming. We wanted to share what we were learning and accomplishing along the way and broke down the whole process into 10 BabySteps. As young stay-at-home moms we had time to learn but had to do things on a budget.
In 2018 after 10 years of blogging together I took over running the blog as Julie had additional responsibilities come up on the home front. As a single mom of four who also started to experience some health struggles my food storage journey took on new challenges. I learned new ways to use freeze dried foods from my food storage to save time and money as a busy mama. I continued to share my journey on Instagram and grew a robust Facebook Group where we can learn from each other.


In 2020 at the peak of the COVID craziness I found my new hubby and became a blended family of nine. With new dietary preferences, a bigger family with teenagers and adult children, and a much busier life … my food storage planning transitioned again. I hope that through my different life experiences you can find something that will resonate with you. No matter what phase of life you are in or what your preparedness goals are I am here to help!
I started this blog because I wanted the motivation to learn for myself. But over the years I’ve been so touched by the number of people who took the time to tell me that thanks to the BabyStep Checklists they didn’t have to fear COVID, or they survived an earthquake with minimal trouble, or went through a job loss and could still feed their family. It is a wonderful feeling to know that my journey could help so many others be prepared for any of life’s emergencies.


Bi-Weekly Emails: Ttake your preparedness journey in bite-sized pieces by signing up for the free BabyStep Checklists.
Food Storage Made Easy 3-Part Program: Get all the information all at once in our book (digital or print format).
Meals-in-a-Jar Made Easy: Learn how to make quick and easy dinners using freeze-dried foods in my second book or get free monthly emails with recipes.
# of kids: Mom of 7 π©πΌπ¦πΌπ©πΌπ¦πΌπ§πΌπ¦πΌπ§πΌ
favorite color: PINK (or anything leopard print)
hobbies: hockey, reading, cross-stitching, cooking, traveling
talents: flute, piano, idea-generating (I’m a nerd)
education: B.S. of Marketing from U of U (GO UTES!)
favorite food storage food: freeze-dried pineapples
biggest food storage struggle: organization (don’t come to my basement please)