This is the third topic for our Group Book Discussion of the novel One Second After. To return to the main discussion page click here.
In the story, virtually all vehicles were rendered useless as soon as the EMP occurred. Older vehicles that didn’t have electrical systems in them were the only ones that survived. Mechanics were able to modify some vehicles and get them running again, but it was slow work. Fuel was also a concern for the few vehicles that were actually running.
- Do you have a vehicle that would survive an EMP?
- What could you purchase that would provide transportation? (bikes, roller blades, old cars, etc.)
- How will you deal with the issue of fuel?
- Would you give up your vehicle to the “community”?
- What could you do to help rebuild transportation systems in the country?
- Could you learn how to make your car usable without the electrical system? And buy the necessary parts to do so in advance?
In our comments section below, ask questions, discuss your thoughts on this topic, and these questions. We will be covering a lot of the other issues over the next three days, so to keep it organized please stick with this topic.We encourage everyone who participates to do so in a very respectful manner. As we read the novel, we soon became very aware that the discussions around this book could become very political, and personal. Such topics have a tendency to bring out strong opinions. Please share your opinions in a kind, and mature way. We reserve the right to, and will delete any comments that may be considered offensive or encourage illegal or unethical activities.
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-Jodi Weiss Schroeder