This is the seventh topic for our Group Book Discussion of the novel One Second After. To return to the main discussion page click here.
In the story, one of the most tragic situations was the main character’s daughter had Type 1 diabetes and required insulin. The supply was short and they ran out before more could be located or shipped in. While some health issues simply could not be treated, others could have been managed much better were there proper supplies on hand. Some other thoughts mentioned in the book are the logistics of feminine hygiene products, personal hygiene in general, and the health risks associated with the lack of hygiene.
- What medical conditions do you have that would be affected by no new medicine?
- How can you store extra medicine?
- What type of natural remedies could be learned to replace modern medicines that will not be available once supplies run out?
- What can you do TODAY to be healthier thus avoiding the need for medical intervention?
- What other non-food items will you need?
- Do you have items that can help you stay clean, and help kill germs that could cause illness?
- What plans do you have in place for proper sanitation?
- Do you have necessary tools, instructions, and items needed for building and living more primitively?
In our comments section below, ask questions, discuss your thoughts on this topic, and these questions. We will be covering a lot of the other issues over the next three days, so to keep it organized please stick with this topic.We encourage everyone who participates to do so in a very respectful manner. As we read the novel, we soon became very aware that the discussions around this book could become very political, and personal. Such topics have a tendency to bring out strong opinions. Please share your opinions in a kind, and mature way. We reserve the right to, and will delete any comments that may be considered offensive or encourage illegal or unethical activities.
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-Jodi Weiss Schroeder