I guess this is old news at this point but HAPPY NEW YEARS! We hope you are all doing well and motivated for another great year of building and using your Food Storage.
We were pretty quiet here and on facebook, as we spent some extra time with our families who were home from school and other obligations. Now that we’re back into the swing of things we wanted to start off the year by sharing our 2014 Food Storage goals with you. It’s become somewhat of a tradition on the blog and it provides us with a road map of things to work on for the year. Today Julie will be the one sharing her goals, check back later this week for Jodi’s goals.
- Be smarter about meal planning. If you’ve followed us for awhile you know that I’m the one who likes to wing it with recipes and meal planning. It’s always worked for me, so why not? Well I’ll tell you why not. I now have 3 growing boys who are in sports and are eating faster than I can cook. I need to find meals and recipes that I can rotate through that feed hungry boys, without me being in the kitchen all day. I’m hoping to use my food storage foods to do this. We were guilty of eating out more than I would have liked to last year so this is a good goal for our family.
- Understand purification and filtration better. I have a lot of water stored. I have some really great tools for filtration and purification stored as well. The problem is, I couldn’t explain exactly how those tools work very well to someone without using my notes. I would like to understand them well enough that I have complete confidence in my understanding of how they work.
- Find 5 go-to Freezer Meals I know this feels like my first goal, but it’s not the exact same. I want to find 5 meals I have tried and tested to know work well frozen and reheated. I think giving myself a number to shoot for is a good idea. Since I’ve got a decent handle on gathering my food storage my goals are heavily focused on using it apparently!
What are YOUR food storage goals for 2014?
-Jodi Weiss Schroeder