I often start to get the canning bug when peaches and apples start to show up in the neighborhood fruit stands. However, it doesn’t hurt to think about canning in the SPRING when you can plan your gardens to best take advantage of growing your own foods that you want to harvest and use for canning later in the season. So let’s talk a little about canning today and how you can get some great information and instructions if you are new to this topic 🙂
If you are local to Utah there is a series of classes being put on by the Utah State University Extension. It’s being held in South Ogden over the next few weeks. I’m going to be attending as many of the sessions as I can and will share what I learn here on the blog. I’m so excited! Click the flyer below for more details or click here for the full schedule.
If you are not local, check with your own state extension offices to look for classes in your area.
If you don’t want to leave the comfort of your home to learn about canning, you’ve got to check out this DVD created by Kendra Lynne called At Home Canning For Beginners and Beyond. I have had a little experience with canning myself and I thought this DVD was perfect for a brand new beginner but also includes great tips, reminders, and new recipes for more veteran canners. The DVD is currently ON SALE for $5 off if you enter coupon code LEARN2CAN

- Introduction to canning
- Basics on what tools you need
- Tips and tricks throughout the video
- Instructions for using traditional or tattler reusable lids
- Full video instructions for canning a wide variety of items
- Tutorials for both water bath and pressure canners
- Section on canning outdoors on a propane grill
Tutorials Included:
- Apple jelly / applesauce
- Blueberry pie filling
- Pinto beans, chicken, and beef
- Spaghetti sauce
- Grape juice (this one is surprising and amazing!)
- Green beans (awesome from your garden)
- Meals in a jar (3 options)
It’s so nice to see step by step exactly what to do, and I love getting the tried and true recipes for some of these items I’ve never been brave enough to try canning before. I definitely got my brain going with ideas of things to can this year and I’m so excited!
Click here to learn more and order your copy today!
Have you already made your garden plan for this year? I like to think about what my favorite things to can are and plan my garden accordingly. I LOVE to can salsa so I try to grow way more peppers, tomatoes, onions, etc. than my family could possibly eat in one season. I also planted fruit trees so we can can peaches and homemade applesauce (after watching Kenda’s DVD I’m totally going to start making apple and pear jelly too! You really are able to can so many things, you are only limited by your garden space. So plan ahead, think about what you want to can this fall, and plant LOTS of it!
Happy gardening and canning!

-Jodi Weiss Schroeder