My best friend LOVES carrot cake, so of course I had to make her a homemade carrot cake to celebrate her birthday! I went to my go-to source for delicious recipes and Our Best Bites did not fail me. Their Carrot Cake Supreme Recipe looked simply A-MAZING so I knew that was what I should make. By a remarkable twist of fate I even had every single ingredient on hand to make the recipe … besides the CARROTS.
Now normally when we make a recipe and do food storage substitutions we only swap out one ingredient at a time so if it fails we can isolate what the problem was. This recipe had so many potential things I could have swapped for but I decided to JUST stick with the carrots because I couldn’t afford a fail on a special occasion. I used Thrive’s dehydrated carrots for this recipe. Next time I want to try butter powder, powdered cream cheese, and powdered milk for the buttermilk. I think it would work and I am definitely curious as to whether or not it was be just as sinfully delicious.
Dehydrated Carrots
To substitute the carrots in this recipe I simply rehydrated more of the dehydrated carrot dices than I thought was necessary and then measured out 2 cups which is what the recipe called for. Let me tell you, it worked perfectly! I loved the consistency of the carrots in the cake, possibly even better than using fresh carrots. The flavor was perfect and the chunks were not too chewy at all. I boiled the carrots for fifteen minutes in order to ensure that they would be soft enough. This particular friend of mine is suspicious of my food storage adventures so I didn’t tell her until AFTER she ate half the cake before I even had a chance to put the candles on it. She was surprised that it could be so delicious being made with food storage 🙂

Word of Warning
I used almost the last of my can of carrots and it was getting a little bit old so I poured the last bit of carrots down my sink into the disposal side. However, I didn’t run the disposal right away so the dried carrots got washed partially down my sink and then rehydrated. They got stuck and clogged a huge portion of my sink drain pipe causing a big backup in my plumbing. Do NOT do that at home! It made this food storage adventure a little less fun, haha.

-Jodi Weiss Schroeder