We are getting so excited as we are planning and prepping for our third annual 7 Day Challenge! We have so many ideas for disaster situations, especially after doing our group read of the book One Second After. If you have signed up for the challenge yet, go do it now, quick! We will all be practicing our preparedness through mock emergency scenarios and sharing what we learn on the blog and on Facebook.
We would like to get some of YOUR ideas for disaster/emergency situations you would like to prep for. This could be something that has happened to your family, something you are AFRAID of happening, or just something really out there that you think would be good practice. We want to keep them surprises so if you want to contribute an idea please EMAIL US with the following:
- Emergency Type (natural disaster, pandemic, economic crisis, dietary limitation, everyday emergency)
- Describe the emergency in details
- Daily Tasks (what do you have to accomplish)
- Daily Limitations (what restrictions do you have, i.e. no power, water, etc,)
- Advanced Task Ideas (for people who want things a little more difficult!)
To see examples of this format, check out our previous years’ challenges:
2010 7 Day Challenge Overview
2009 7 Day Challenge Overview
Anyone who submits an idea following the format above will be entered to win a free copy of our Food Storage Made Easy Binder eBook. This is a full program to help you build your food storage and would be great to have as you get ready for THE CHALLENGE! Submit your entry by August 31st to be entered to win!

-Jodi Weiss Schroeder