In case you weren’t around we had 3 big surprises for our readers. The surprises were a great way to share and give back to so many of you great readers. The surprises included some great FREE stuff, and ways for you all to help some families.

Today, we’re following up with our 3rd Surprise. The Extreme Food Storage Makeover: Helping Families in Need. We had 4 main families that were chosen, each having different reasons why this makeover would be great for them. Some were financial, others were just in need of some direction and help. Since you the readers are the ones who raised the money through a percentage of your purchases at our Shelf Reliance store that month, we thought you’d like to know how it all turned out. We’ve already introduced the first family, and second family, and today we’re introducing the third family.
This family is a family of eight. Two parents and six children. The mother, is very frugal and does a super job at making ends meet. I know she is always on Food Storage Made Easy site to help her along the way. Her husband works outside the home while she takes care of home needs and takes care of the six children. They are very loving people that like so many people could really use some help with food storage as just attending to everyday meals can be a challenge.
The children range from ages 3-18. The mom is a very good seamstress and makes some of her children’s clothing. I’m not sure she sees herself that way but the beautiful dresses she has made her oldest for Madrigals and Prom says it all.
They live in the Midwest as her husband found a job here some years ago. They all miss the beaches as they lived in Florida before moving here. As we all know you have to go where you can find employment.
Anyway, I really would love to see this hard working family win the food storage makeover as they are so deserving. They are in a challenging financial situation at this time as his job may not be that stable right now.
Thank you for this opportunity to help someone out. We all love this site. Keep up the good work.
The folks over at the Wondermill were AMAZING to donate a Wondermill Electric to one of our families. We love our Wondermills and find them to be a crucial appliance for using your Food Storage regularly. We know people who are just starting out have other things to buy first, but when the time is right we encourage you to invest in one.
When I spoke with the mom from this family and asked her about her food storage she was so delightful and positive. I asked if she had a way to grind wheat and she said she could borrow a grinder and did that when she could. We felt good about having the Wondermill donate the mill to this family since she was already in the stage of using her wheat. We know when we first started, we would borrow grinders, and it made it harder and kind of annoying. Once we got our own grinders, we started using them every week!
Here’s a picture of the families WONDERMILL. Thank you WONDERMILL!
Next up, we sent them some food from Shelf Reliance. They had been working on gathering basics already, and these items were perfect additions to make a bigger variety of recipes.
3 month fruit supply
butter powder
freeze dried shredded mozzarella
sour cream powder
freeze dried broccoli
freeze dried celery
Beef TVP
freeze dried peaches
freeze dried strawberries
freeze dried blueberries
Taco TVP
Broccoli cheese soup entree
Thank you so much for choosing our family as one of the makeover families! We have worked so hard on our food storage over the years. For us, it has been difficult to keep stocked up on the fruits and veggies – they seem to disappear from the shelves faster than we can stock them! It feels so nice to go down to our basement and see those Thrive cans there! We now feel like we have a base to start from. We are also LOVING our wheat grinder. I’m so excited to be able to regularly use all of this wheat that we have stored! It feels good to know that we can have a healthier, whole-grain diet. I am on a quest to learn how to make the “perfect” whole wheat bread. So far, my family’s favorite thing from our wheat has been pancakes. Our favorite recipe so far is this one: http://www.theidearoom.net/2011/07/whole-wheat-pancakes.html. Every time I use our grinder, or see our food storage gift, I am filled with gratitude for you generous ladies and your wonderful readers. I recommend your site any time I have food storage discussions. It is definitely one of the top food storage, self reliance resources out there today!

-Jodi Weiss Schroeder