Welcome to the 7 Day Challenge. For 7 days, we are testing our Emergency Preparedness and Food Storage Plans. Each day will bring a NEW mock emergency or situation that will test at least one of the reasons “WHY” we strive to be prepared! REMEMBER: No going to a store, gas station, or spending any money for the entire 7 days! And please feel free to adapt the scenarios to fit your own family and situation.

Truckers across the nation are striking and it looks like it will last for at least several months. No food or fuel items will be coming into your town at all in the near future. It’s time to get organized, assess your supplies, and make a game plan for the next few months.
Goal: Do a food storage inventory and make a future plan
Today’s Tasks:
- Organize your kitchen pantry and any food storage areas in your home
- Inventory your long term food storage items (you may use our calculator)
- Inventory your three month supply items (you may use our worksheet)
- Determine how long you will be able to survive without buying more food
- Make a complete list of what you would still need to buy (long term AND three month supply) to complete your storage goals
- Take a look at your supply of non-food items, how long would your toilet paper, laundry detergent, toothpaste, deodorant, etc. last. Make a list of all the items you buy on a regular basis at the store and tally it up. Use your daily report card to make lists of what you want to stock up on and how much you would need
- SHARING TIME: Take before and after pictures of your pantry or food storage room and share them on our Facebook page or on Instagram (use tags @foodstoragemadeeasy and #FSME7daychallenge) or write up a summary of your activities in the blog comments or on our Facebook discussion thread today.
Today’s Limitations:
- For this day, and ALL days of the challenge: no spending money, no going to stores, and no restaurants … UNTIL YOU ARE FINISHED!
Advanced Tasks:
- Make cute labels for your buckets, shelves, etc. (label tutorial | bucket labels)
- Review all of your week’s report cards and compile them into one list of future things to do/buy
Make sure your fill out today’s Report Card to see how well you did, to keep track of areas you can improve, to remember things you need to do, and things you need to buy. Use the data to make a game plan to take you to the next level of preparedness, whatever that may be.
Remember — This year we are going to be offering the chance to win daily PRIZES for people who are participating in one of the following ways:
- Commenting or posting pictures on our Facebook page
- Loading pictures on your instagram tagging @foodstoragemadeeasy and #FSME7daychallenge
- Commenting on today’s blog post with how you did
- Submitting pictures/stories to us via email at info@foodstoragemadeeasy.net
2 Cansolidator Pantry Organizers from Thrive Life (great for organization and rotation in your pantry)
TODAY’S WINNER: AB , who commented this on the blog
Uncle! I saw this challange and thought, great I already inventoried my long term storage and organized my pantry just recently, this should be easy. I started inventorying my regular pantry at about 8:30 it’s now ten of 4 and I’m about half way done. (Ok I could be done if I wasn’t trying to mark down expiration dates, but then it’s less useful.) I’m going to cheat and go for a latte while my cell phone recharges. (I am using a free app to do the inventory.) On the bright side several about to expire items have determined what we are having for dinner. My husband is being his usual button pushing self and said he removed 5 items from the pantry and I have to guess which ones. I think our storage is at about 6-9 months depending on calorie requirements. Thanks for the challenge. Hopefully I will do better next year.
Please email us to make arrangements to get your prize at info @ foodstoragemadeeasy .net

-Jodi Weiss Schroeder