If you remember from our New Years Resolutions post, I wanted to start using more legumes in my cooking. I have been sticking with it, however I discovered that having these legumes around in my lazy susan pantry was messing with my normal flow! I had to figure out a way to store them in a usable and tidy way – otherwise using them wouldn’t be all that fun anymore. Just ask Jodi how crazy I get around clutter. (Clear Your Clutter with Feng Shui is my new favorite book- Jodi mocks me for it, but I don’t LOSE THINGS ahem).
Anyways, I was on a mission to tidy my lazy susan. This is how I did it:
1. I took an inventory of all the grains and legumes I use regularly
2. I determined if I used them in big, medium, or small quantities
3. I went around to a bunch of different stores looking at containers and prices
4. I settled in on some containers from walmart that would fit my needs
5. I emptied the plastic bags and cardboard boxes into my cute new CLEAR containers
6. I used larger cereal dispenser containers for brown rice, and wheat since those are the two grains I use most often
7. I taped the nutrition label from the bags to the bottom of the containers for future reference
If you need a place for containers but don’t want to drive around to 4 or 5 different stores like I did, amazon is a great place. Check out this set of containers, they come in all different sizes so you can store different amounts of different products.
Anyways, here is the finished product – having a good amount of each food in my pantry makes cooking much more pleasant. This way I’m only required to refill every so often down in the basement bulk containers…
Oh and as a side note, if you didn’t go look at my resolutions, I did number 3 a couple weeks ago! I’m right on track! In the words of Tracy in SC (our biggest fan) GO ME!

-Jodi Weiss Schroeder